Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Gem City Massacre 2017

Welcome to the 3rd annual Gem City Massacre.  This year the Ohio War Kings very own Kara Brown has graciously stepped up to run this event.  Once again it will be held at Epic Loot in Centerville on December 2nd, 2017.

This will be a 3 round, 2000 pt tournament, using the CoK 2017 rules.  In addition, Destiny of Kings and Edge of the Abyss living legends (heroes AND units) (though not formations :-( ) will also be allowed!  Plus, if you take allies AND you do NOT take a living legend in your main list, then you may take 1 Edge of the Abyss living legend (hero or unit) in your allied list.  This is to let everyone have an opportunity to use the new heroes or units.

The tournament packet is available here : Tournament Pack

Planned Schedule:
11:00 - 11:20 - Check in
11:20 - 11:30 - Welcome
11:30 - 11:30 - Game 1
1:30 -  2:00 - Lunch
  2:00 -  4:00 - Game 2
  4:15 -  6:15 - Game 3
  6:30            - Awards

Army lists sent by November 29th to OhioWarKings@gmail.com will receive 5 sportsmanship points.  Cost is $15.00, payable in person to either Kara or Mike Carter, or via PayPal to ohiowarkings@gmail.com (or just press the handy dandy button below)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Ohio War Kings

Just a place to put information and updates for the Ohio War Kings gaming club.

The Ohio War Kings is a wargaming club based out of Dayton Ohio.  Currently we meet on Friday evenings at 6:00 pm either at Epic Loot in Centerville (9130 Dayton-Lebanon Pike 
Centerville, OH 45458).  We have a Facebook group as well.

We have formalized our membership.  Membership is available at the following levels:
  • Membership in the Facebook group is free for getting information or ordering merchandise.
  • Minion Level is $25 for the first year, and $10 renewal each year after that.  Minion level gets you listed on the roster as a member of the club for Origins, which entitles you to a discount for a 4 day badge.  The $10 renewal can be waved each year if you work an event (such as Origins, the War Kings GT, or Gem City Massacre).
  • The War Kings Council (formerly the Horde Level) is $50, and gets you the same benefits as the Minion level, but also allows you to join in the secret chats to make decisions (and bear responsibility) for what we do as a club.  A head minion will be chosen from this group to be listed on the Origins Club Membership as a secondary contact.
  • Finally, there the the Chief Buck Stopper - which is currently assumed for life.  If current Chief Buck Stopper (because the buck stops with him) ever abdicates, then either the club will fold or some other method will be used to determine another one.
With the changes in membership levels, all paid members from 2018 are grandfathered in as members for 2019.  The new levels and renewals will start AFTER Origins 2019.  In addition, anyone who paid for membership in 2019 will automatically be renewed for 2020.

Membership year is from Origins to Origins.  The list of club members is due to Origins by May 1st, so membership must be paid up by April 29th 2019 for a discount to Origins 2019. 

You can pay your dues either in person or via PayPal .

We now also have Ohio War Kings dice.  These are $1.00 each, or 6 for $5.00.  (or you can lose one of my tournaments to get a set of 12 :-) ).

The Ohio War Kings messenger bags ($20.00 each) are currently available, and we do have both polo and button down shirts as well for $25.00 each.