Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gem City Massacre 2019

Welcome to the 5th annual Gem City Massacre.  Kara Brown is once again running it, and we are returning to Epic Loot in Centerville on December 7th, 2019.

This will be a 3 round, 2000 pt tournament, using the new 3rd edition rules.   Since several armies will not yet have been released, we will allow 'liberal' proxying for armies that are in the new book.

The tournament packet is available here : Tournament Pack

Planned Schedule:
11:00 - 11:20 - Check in
11:20 - 11:30 - Welcome
11:30 - 1:30 - Game 1
1:30 -  2:15 - Lunch
  2:15 -  4:15 - Game 2
  4:30 -  6:30 - Game 3
  6:45            - Awards

Army lists sent by December 2nd to will receive 5 sportsmanship points.  Cost is $15.00, payable in person to either Kara or Mike Carter, or via PayPal to (or just press the handy dandy button below)

Monday, July 29, 2019


August 1st - 4th, 2019

Kings of War is coming back to GenCon again for the seventh year!  We will have both the popular Learn to Play sessions and two tournaments - a 1000 pt How You Use It (the players move, but the armies don't) as well as Kings of Gencon Tournament on Saturday. So whether you are new to the game or a veteran, come and play.

Registration : GenCon Registration

Tournament packets :

Kings of Gencon : Packet


Gencon is again being held at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis IN.

Indianapolis Convention Center
 100 S. Capitol Ave,
Indianapolis, IN 46225

Useful Kings of War Resources

A collection of useful resources for Kings of War players, from quick reference sheets to a great on-line list builder.

Resource Page

Appearance scoring scoresheet